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Реферирование (от лат. refero - «сообщаю») представляет собой краткое изложение в письменном виде или в устной форме содержания научного труда (трудов), публицистической литературы или текста по теме с раскрытием его основного содержания по всем затронутым вопросам, сопровождаемое оценкой и выводами референта.
John Constable
Презентация об английском художнике Джоне Констебле
John Constable, (born June 11, 1776, East Bergholt, Suffolk, England—died March 31, 1837, London), major figure in English landscape painting in the early 19th century. He is best known for his paintings of the English countryside, particularly those representing his native valley of the River Stour, an area that came to be known as “Constable country.”
Мечеть шейха
Презентация о мечети шейха Зайда
A splendid mosque was erected recently at Abu Dhabi. Named after the late Sheikh Zayed al-Nahyan, the Mosque was opened at the end of 2007 to emerge as one of the ten major mosques of Islam with a total capacity of 40,000 worshippers. It proved to be a gigantic project which took twelve years to complete, and has already achieved three entries into the Guinness Book of World Records with the largest carpet, the biggest chandelier as well as the largest dome of its kind in the world. Bringing classical Islamic architecture to a summit of refinement, and providing all the contemporary commodities, the Sheikh Zayed Mosque is an outstanding example of Islamic architecture in the 21st century.